A golden journey

Why i decided to go Natural?

  Going natural was really spare of the moment thing...well actually I had sort of tried it about two times prior, but my family and friends were natural hair nazi's (yea I said natural hair nazi's *coined term*). I have always amired people who comform to relaxing their, you really dont realize how hard it is till you try it.
 So lucky me when i went of to college august 2008 I ened up getting a RA who was natural, and she talked to me about and told the benefits of being natural, still kind of scared when home for christmas break i let my mother once again talk me into getting a relaxer. Loved the hair style but it was four months of transistioning gone down the drain (literally)

After that day i told my self no matter what will no a perm again...and i didnt. Now i am almost 2 1/2 years strong and dont plan on looking back #teamnatural


Product love to use

Now that I am in my Locking journey mixing this two products are the only thing that keep my hair twisted...for the recored I have mix between 4a and 4b hair

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